Saturday, February 6, 2016

I wasn't going to post

Somehow I found my way on to my own site. I'm exhausted, but Penny is watching some Nicholas Sparks movie in bed, so I'm sitting at my computer nursing some bourbon and charging my lights/Garmin for the ride tomorrow.

I haven't been on the bike for like 4 months. Something like that. I'm thinking tomorrow will be super hard, especially since the last time I checked it's supposed to be a cat 3 hurricane. At least I'm a little lighter and definitely stronger than the last time I rode, although I did dead lifts and other leg torture movements today during my training session. Should be fun. I hope I don't suck a hole in the ozone.

The house is coming together nicely. It's almost to the point where I don't feel obliged to talk about it, although a great amount of our coin and Penny's thinking is going towards making it look nice. That kind of stuff is over my head, although I am weighing in on almost every decision. I even have said "no" to a few things. That just isn't like me. I must be getting angry in my old age.

Speaking of peeing your pants, Penny keeps reminding me I'm turning 40 this year. Cheese and rice, that's a pretty good mark in one's life. It doesn't seem like I've been around that long, but there sure has been a lot of stuff happen and I've done a lot myself. I've been unfairly blessed, that's for sure.

I opened another tab and got distracted by facebook, so now all my momentum for this post is gone. I'll be rooting for the Broncos tomorrow, and as expected, AB will be rooting for the opposite team of me. Hopefully Peyton can finish with a great game, but it'll be a hard one with dem Panthers.

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